XP95 is the foundation upon which all subsequent addressable ranges have been developed.

We offer a variety of addressable ranges, including: XP95, Discovery, Soteria, Soteria Dimension, XP95A, Discovery UL and Soteria UL.
We have three addressable ranges which have also evolved over time. Each new range incorporates new features and advantages of its predecessor and more value to the end user. However, all Apollo products are fully backwards compatible.
EN Approved:
Built upon the XP95 technology, Discovery is more adaptable than its predecessor.
The collection of SOTERIA® addressable fire detectors are the next generation in fire detection technology.
UL Approved:
The XP95A range of analogue addressable fire detectors is specially approved for use by the Underwriters’ Laboratories and Factory Mutual (UL/ULC/FM) markets.
Discovery UL is Apollo’s line of high-specification, intelligent fire detectors, which meet the requirements of sophisticated applications.
Fully compliant with the latest UL 268 7th Edition, Soteria UL delivers swift and accurate fire detection with built-in isolation increasing reliability and ease of maintenance.
Learn about our Communication Protocols and the advantages of Apollo's Open Protocol.
All of our addressable ranges are Backwards Compatible but what does that mean?
Our product training is ideal for those looking to improve their product knowledge or to support their Apollo system foundation.
SOTERIA® Dimension belongs to the Soteria family of products. It’s our range of sleek, flush mounted optical fire detectors which use chamberless technology.
Addressable Case Studies
The Avon Ward within the Dennis Scott Unit at Edgware Community Hospital is a semi-secure mental health facility.
The Shard was built on a site between London Bridge and Guy’s Hospital, the building includes 11,000 glass panels, 44 lifts, 306 flights of stairs, 72 habitable floors and reaches a total height of 310 metres.
With nearly 300 pupils aged 7 to 11, Marchwood Junior School is housed within a uniquely designed building originally constructed in the 1980s, and which was refurbished in 2004 when a single storey extension was added.