Directives & Policies
Apollo Fire Detectors is committed to ensuring that its supply chain, products and processes comply to, or exceed, the requirements of all applicable directives. Our vision states we aim to be “a socially responsible world class manufacturer, operating to the highest ethical and quality standards”. Compliance to RoHS, REACH, Modern Slavery and Conflict Minerals legislation form part of this aim. This statement details the measures taken to ensure conformance and achieve our vision.
If you require any further information on any of this statement please contact Apollo.
ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU
Apollo is aware of the recent changes to the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU to add additional restrictions to regulate the use of phthalates in manufacturing. Whilst reviewing the recent changes (also known as RoHS 3), the decision was taken to undertake a full review of how Apollo manages RoHS compliance.
Apollo achieves RoHS compliance by assessment of documentation and declarations from our suppliers. This will now be reviewed and refreshed annually in order to capture any changes within the supply chain or further updates to the directive. In order to exceed, rather than merely meet, these requirements, Apollo now also requests that all suppliers return their declaration specifically listing all components supplied.
Furthermore, a risk based methodology is now used to identify areas or components that may require testing or extra technical documentation based on the recommendations in BS EN 50581
REACH Directive
European Regulation No. 1907/2006 Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemical (REACH) came into force on 1st June 2007. It aims at regulating the use of chemical substances within the European Union, especially those Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).Under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, the EU REACH Regulation was brought into United Kingdom law on 1st January 2021, known as UK REACH. The key principles of the EU REACH Regulation were retained in UK REACH.
The REACH Statutory Instruments that made these changes can be found on the following webpage Legislation.gov.uk.
We are committed to meeting our legal obligations under REACH, as a manufacturer, distributor, importer of articles and as downstream user of chemical products.
Apollo Fire Detectors Limited has put into place processes and procedures to conduct due diligence to ensure implementation and compliance with the legislation, especially the assessment of the presence of SVHC and communication along the supply chain to both suppliers and customers.
Products manufactured by Apollo Fire Detectors Limited fall under the category of ‘Articles’ within the REACH Regulations. We constantly evaluate our position regarding identifying if any substances of SVHC, meeting the criteria set out in Article 57 of the REACH and included on the REACH ‘Candidate List’ for further regulation, are contained within the product we supply above a concentration of 0.1% w/w.
Some of our product plastic components intentionally contain an inorganic fluorine salt (Potassium perfluorobutane sulphonate at a concentration between 0.1-0.3% w/w; CAS No. 29420-49-3; REACH Registration No. 01-2120757935-39-0006) as a constituent of the flame-retardant in plastics to meet the product specific legislative requirements. The substance is permanently incorporated into the polymer matrix and will not therefore create unusual hazards when handled and processed according to good manufacturing and industrial hygiene practices.
REACH also applies to substances manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year. Apollo Fire Detectors Limited does not import substances under these conditions, Apollo doesn't need to register any substances as part of REACH legislation.
The most up-to-date REACH chemical list can be found on the following webpage SVHC list - ECHA.
The legislation mentioned above is monitored at regular intervals to capture updates and changes. This statement may be updated accordingly over time.
Apollo Fire Detectors Limited is committed to ensuring that its supply chain, products and processes comply with the requirements of all applicable legislation. Compliance with REACH legislation forms part of this policy. This statement details the measures taken to ensure compliance.
If you require any further information on any details of this statement do not hesitate to contact Apollo at +44 (0)23 9249 2412 or email at sales.enquiries@apollo-fire.com
This statement is made for and on behalf of Apollo Fire Detectors Limited by the Technical Director, Mr. David Robbins, who has been designated as the responsible person for the purpose of the Regulations.
Conflict Minerals
Apollo is committed to ensuring that all components are ethically sourced and that within these components there are no minerals sourced from Central African areas that may be involved in human rights abuses, or where the sale of such minerals finances armed conflict. Apollo requires all electronic component suppliers to provide a company-level list of approved smelters used, by submitting a CMRT template as recommended by the Responsible Minerals Initiative.
The data supplied is collated into an Apollo CMRT and this is made available to customers and interested parties on request. Again, this data is refreshed and reviewed on an annual basis, and the supplier audit form requests Conflict Mineral declarations during the supplier selection and audit process.
Modern Slavery
Apollo Fire Detectors and its parent company, Halma plc, fully support the provisions set out in the Modern Slavery Act 2015. As a company with a turnover of more than £36m, Apollo is obliged to publish an annual statement detailing steps that have been taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in our business and supply chains.
Through the Halma Code of Conduct, Halma Modern Slavery act statement and online training, awareness of Modern Slavery legislation has been heightened across the group.
The Apollo supply chain sources components worldwide and regularly undertakes audit of suppliers. Prior to engaging with suppliers, due diligence and vetting procedures are in place to ensure that they will meet our ethical standards.
Apollo’s annual supplier audit process covers confirmation from suppliers on their compliance to the act and includes a standard requiring adherence to the Modern Slavery Act. Nominated compliance experts at Apollo are available to advise suppliers on this legislation.