About Us

Learn about the people that make up Apollo and what we believe in.

Our purpose is simple; to keep people safe from fire every second of every day.

We specialise in the design and manufacture of high-quality fire detection solutions that protect people from fire in over 100 countries around the world.

Based in Havant, Hampshire, on the UK's south coast, we operate through regional offices in the UK, China, and Germany and support our network of partners and distributors on all five continents. We are proud to be part of Halma, a global FTSE 100 group of life-saving technology companies.

We were awarded the Royal Warrant in 2009 in recognition of our high level of personal service to the Household of HM The Queen. We continually strive to deliver an exceptional customer experience for every individual, company and organisation that we work with.


What we strive to be

Our DNA is the blueprint for how we conduct our business. Driven by our purpose and vision, it defines the values and behaviours that we collectively embody and that deliver our brand promise. Simply put, it's how we work and interact with our customers and our colleagues and we must live it every day. 

Our purpose

Why we are in business

We make devices to keep people safe from fire every second of every day.

Our vision 

Where we are headed

To be the partner of choice for fire safety devices in target markets by providing the best-in-industry customer experience

Live Our Purpose

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Be passionate about keeping people safe from fire every second of every day. See real problems and create innovative solutions.

Embrace The Adventure

Continually grow and change, as individuals and together. Challenge assumptions and see opportunities. Be inclusive and seek insight from all directions to leverage diverse points of view.

Say Yes And...

Choose Yes, and... to challenges and seemingly conflicting priorities. Plan for tomorrow and deliver today. Enjoy empowerment and eagerly collaborate to accomplish our goals.

Show The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Be innovative, data driven and own everything you do. Transform bold ambitions into reality to make a difference. Be agile and responsive in the face of change.

Just Be A Good Person

Play to win, but not at the expense of others. Operate with impeccable ethics, transparency and integrity in all that you do.

Our People

Our people are the key to our success. We need to champion our culture and live our values to deliver our brand promise on a daily basis. We want to make a difference and individually and collectively through innovation, taking responsibility and inspiring others to become the best they can be.

People Initiative

Our goal

A culture that promotes the entrepreneurial spirit, encouraging and rewarding those that show initiative and take ownership. We believe that our people will be engaged and fulfil their maximum potential. 


In Apollo, great leadership is shown by communicating a clear and inspiring vision.

Talent Management

Attracting, developing and retaining a skilled and engaged, high performance workforce.


We will foster an inclusive culture where employees can excel.


In Apollo, the entrepreneur is an innovative, data driven person, who takes responsibility.